Your generosity will support Ready For Life in our mission to foster inclusive communities, thus cultivating opportunities for people with disabilities to grow, learn, achieve, and experience everything life has to offer. Every dollar donated to Ready For Life goes right back to the individuals we support through tuition assistance or learning enhancement opportunities. Be sure to complete the “Special Requirements” field after you click on the Donate button below if your contribution is designated to a specific program.
Make a single donation or schedule automatic donations for the amount and frequency that is convenient for you. Give online or we welcome your checks payable to Ready For Life at 3250 28th St SE, Suite 102, Grand Rapids, MI 49512.
Ready for Life is a nonprofit organization under the 501c3 section of the Internal Venue Code. You contribution is tax deductible, as allowed by law.
Please click the button below to make your donation through PayPal.
You don’t need an account to donate.

Supporting Organizations
In addition to the organizations below, there are also many individuals and organizations who support us anonymously.
We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our donors!